
bio!TOY 2021

bio!TOY 2021


Past (location no longer active)


Tue, 07.09.2021 - Wed, 08.09.2021

bio!TOY 2021

Over one hundred international participants attended the second edition of the bio!TOY conference, organised by bioplastics MAGAZINE and innovation consultancy Dr Käb, in Nuremberg (Germany) on the 7th and 8th of September. This meeting of toy manufacturers with plastics companies demonstrated the industries' high interest in sustainable production and circular economy. Both the presentations and resulting discussions point to a growing dynamic in the competition for biobased and high-quality recycled plastics.

The feedback of the participants was unanimously positive and the joy about real face-to-face exchange was palpable. The next bio!TOY conference, in March 2023, will without a doubt deliver news and updates on the progress that is about to be made.

Missed it?

You can still buy access to the full video-recordings. A video-on-demand playlist is available, so you can watch all individual presentations as well as the Q&A Sessions. Should you have questions, you can ask via e-mail. We'll make sure the speakers will respond. You can purchase access to this video-on-demand service here (click on the correct version, with or without VAT*) :

Without VAT (EUR 549.00)
With VAT (EUR 653,31) 

We'll send a commercial invoice.

*VAT: If you are:
    - a private person (no company name), or
     - you are from an EU-country and do not have a VAT-Number, or
     - you are from Germany
you must chose a ticket WITH VAT. 
If you are obligated to pay VAT and chose a ticket without VAT, we have to charge the VAT separately, otherwise access cannot be granted.

Here you find press releases in English and German language.

bio!TOY 2021
bio!TOY 2021

60 People in the room, 45 online

Going "hybrid" is a challenge


we talked to famous Skye Neville, 11-year-old activist for sustainable toys. Skye became quite famous recently by her activities in the UK.


For details about the speakers click here

Hybrid event (participation is possible in-person, on-site, as well as online-only (ZOOM / WHOVA).
Please note that - in order to accommodate different time zones - we'll record* all sessions and make these available in form of "video-on-demand" to all attendees for a full week after the event. 

Download the conference handbook

*: provided we don't have technical issues and all speakers agree


If the development of the pandemic (infection rates, vaccination,  etc.) allows, the second bio!TOY will be held as a hybrid event (on-site and digital) in the Arvena Park Hotel in Nuremberg, Germany.

The hotel has elaborated a comprehensive hygiene concept
Eine deutschsprachige Version ist  hier verfügbar.

Videoclip bio!TOY 2019

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