Looking for reliable, up-to-date information? In addition to bioplastics MAGAZINE, we now also offer a select number of reference books for sale. These books are not necessarily published by us. However, we try to offer the books for attractive sales prices.
General conditions, market situation, production, structure and properties
Dr.-Ing. Michael Thielen
The book is intended to offer a rapid and uncomplicated introduction into the subject of bioplastics, and is aimed at all interested readers, in particular those who have not yet had the opportunity to dive more deeply into the subject, such as students, those just joining this industry, and lay readers.
General conditions, market situation, production, structure and properties
Hans-Josef Endres, Andrea Siebert-Raths
Rahmenbedingungen, Marktsituation, Herstellung,Aufbau und Eigenschaften
Hans-Josef Endres, Andrea Siebert-Raths