General conditions, market situation, production, structure and properties
Hans-Josef Endres, Andrea Siebert-Raths
Now finally available for € 279,44
(plus VAT where applicable).
plus shipping and handling € 20.00 (outside Germany).
In Germany shipping/handling included.
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The new book offers a broad basis of information from a plastics processing point of view. This includes comprehensive descriptions of the biopolymer market, the different materials and suppliers as well as production-, processing-, usage- and disposal properties for all commercially available biopolymers. The unique book represents an important and comprehensive source of information and a knowledge base for researchers, developers, technicians, engineers, marketing, management and other decision-makers. It is a must-have in all areas of applications for raw material suppliers, manufacturers of plastics and additives, converters and film producers, for machine manufacturers, packaging suppliers, the automotive industry, the fiber/nonwoven/ textile industry as well as universities.