07. Nov 2022

Glass fibre reinforced biopolymer compounds

Glass fibre reinforced biopolymer compounds

Something not deemed possible has become a reality: fully biobased and biodegradable glass fibre reinforced compounds.

Arctic Biomaterials (ABM) from Tampere, Finland, are delighted to announce the recently established collaboration with Helian Polymers (Belfeld, the Netherlands).

By combining ABM's unique ArcBiox degradable and reinforcing glass fibres with Helian Polymers' signature PHAradox PHA compounds, new functional material possibilities emerge due to improved mechanical and thermal properties. No less than six grades have been developed so far.

The established synergy between both companies enables the industry and interested parties to test and validate new sustainable materials for a range of applications where glass fibre reinforcements are a requirement.

These new PHA compounds with ArcBiox glass fibres, which are in a developmental stage, will degrade in the environment without the formation of persistent microplastics or remaining glass fibres.

With these exciting and still experimental materials both companies are open to discuss application development with their customers and explore further opportunities.

From government regulation to social pressure, the call for sustainable materials is getting louder every day. By combining their strengths, both Arctic Biomaterials and Helian Polymers help potential customers to lower the threshold to develop new applications with their latest sustainable materials - which are fully biobased and 100 % biodegradable – with the sole intention to minimise the end product's negative impact on the environment.

Both companies will attend the Plastic Waste Free World Conference / Greener Manufacturing Show on November 9–10 in Cologne Germany (Arctic Biomaterials: booth 4021. Helian Polymers / PHAradox: booth 2044). AT


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