02. Dec 2016
The application period has closed and the preselection has been made: now, the entrants who made the longlist in the eleven categories of the GreenTec Award, the most important environment prize in the world, can only bite their nails and hope for the best.
Three entries will be nominated: two are selected by a jury of independent experts and one by the public, via online voting. The jury selects the winner out of these three finalists.
Tecnaro GmbH, a German company based in Baden-Wuerttemberg, has cleared the first hurdle: the organizing team and both the GreenTec Award initiators Marco Voigt and Sven Krügerhave announced that the company’s environmentally friendly bioplastic liquid wood ARBOFORM has made the preselection for a nomination for the GreenTec Award 2017.
ARBOFORM is competing for nomination in the Recycling & Resources category and is looking to the bioplastics community for support. Check out http://abstimmung.greentec-awards.com to see who else has made the cut.
Why ARBOFORM? It’s based on the almost infinite but untapped wood component lignin, natural additives and natural fibers. It does not consist of petroleum, but is entirely made from renewable raw materials. ARBOFORM can be processed just like a conventional, petroleum-based plastic on commercially available plastic processing machines. Wood or even straw consists of about 30% of lignin and is next to the cellulose the most avail-able raw material on earth. It is a by-product of the paper industry and accrues to about 50 million tonnes annually in pulp production, where it is mainly burnt. With ARBOFORM, lignin is used as a material.
Vote online from November 28, 2016 until January 06, 2017. The winners will be anounced at the environmental gala in Berlin next spring. As Tecnaro says:
Your voice counts! Please participate, vote for one of these outstanding "green" projects selected from all around the world and, with your voice, point the way to more sustaina-bility! It is this peaceful green message that should radiate from all of us, the actors and advocates from so many countries of the earth, together and especially now (!) into this menacing and fast-changing world”.