Video recordings of the 8th PLA World Congress 2024

You can still purchase access to all recorded presentations and Q&A sessions (video-on-demand) until Aug 31, 2024. 

This also includes access to the WHOVA networking app for networking among ALL attendees (on-site and online attendees) as well as all speakers.

Please make sure you chose the right ticket:

Buy access to the video recordings with VAT

If you are

  • a private person (no company name), or
  • you are from an EU-country and do not have a VAT-Number, or 
  • you are from Germany (Wenn Sie in Deutschland ansässig sind)

you must chose a ticket WITH VAT. If you are obligated to pay VAT and chose a ticket without VAT, we have to charge the VAT separately, latest on-site, otherwise access cannot be granted.

Buy access to the video recordings without VAT

You must be from a country outside the European Union or have  a VAT-Number

With your registration you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to our Cancellation Policy.

We will send a commercial invoice soon.

Wir schicken in Kürze eine kaufmännische Rechnung

If you have any questions, please contact or (in urgent cases +49 (0) 2161 664864

If you cannot pay by credit card, you can use this link. Not recommended as it creates higher workload and payment may arrive too late.

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